Enhance your beer drinking experience further by employing the correct vessel for sipping. In choosing the right glass for craft beers the pairing factor is the shape! See my beautifully designed selections.
The shape of a glass really helps to bring extra enjoyment to the beer drinking experience. In these selections, the extra large size provides an aromatic chamber and helps to keep the bubbles in the beer longer. I’ve included this post as part of a pizza party strategy. See the post on which beers match the toppings best.
Luigi Bormioli Assorted Craft Beer Glasses Luigi Bormioli takes glass making seriously and has produced a collection that optimizes the aroma and sensory perception of craft beers. Their collection was developed with Centro Studi Assaggiatori, a group who studies sensory analysis in food and beverage. Each glass includes a great design feature of tiny etchings on the bottom. These work to maintain a fine, persistent stream of bubbles that reinvigorates the beer’s foamy head. These glasses are perfectly sized for the ideal pour, with a slightly different shape for each style of beer:
Birrateque Stout glasses allow room for a two to three finger head, enhancing the beer’s creaminess. The top of the glass enhances stout’s strong aromas.
Birrateque IPA has a thin body to maintain the carbonation, as IPA beers don’t have as much carbonation as other beers. The narrow corridor helps to further reinvigorate the foam and flavor.
Birrateque Seasonal is the largest glass in the lineup. Since a lot of seasonal beers are high in alcohol and odd ingredients, the larger flare allows aromatics to be released.
Birrateque Wheat The Birrateque Wheat glass is a bigger glass to allow air into the reservoir to oxidize the beverage, which warms the beer and releases the unfiltered aspects of the wheat and sediment with aromas of spices such as clove or elements such as banana.
Each set come with Luigi Bormioli’s 25-year guarantee against chipping and discoloration due to dishwashing. $65 for a box of 6. luigibormioli.com
ORREFORS Difference Ale Glass Designer Erika Lagerbielke worked closely with a brewer and drink expert to find just the right shape to bring out the flavor of different beers. The result is this ale glass in mouth-blown crystal. Holds 11.2 oz. $69. The collection also has glasses for drinking pilsner and dark beer. Available online at artedona.com
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