With post-pandemic socializing around the corner, perhaps a mental brush up is in order. HappiSeek is one of the newest apps to come out this year that help users infuse relaxation and positive changes into their lives. This might be the best time to transform your attitude— some of us may even need to re-learn how to socialize again after months of isolation. HappiSeek guides users step-by-step, opening doors to: trust, honesty, tolerance, gentleness, joy, defenselessness, generosity, patience, faithfulness and open-mindedness.  

Creator Cynthia Morgan (seen in the photo at the top of this post) is a board-certified hypnotherapist who has been conducting workshops for 35 years. Morgan is also the author of You’re Already Hypnotized: A Guide to Waking Up. She is best known for her work with celebrities, but the app will be able to reach a wider audience. When asked what makes the app different from what is already on the market, Morgan explains: “We wanted to create a one-of-a-kind app that hadn’t been done. Our goal is to help people become more enlightened, and thus happier. Most hypnotherapy-based apps are about behavior modification, but hypnotherapy can be used in more exciting ways than losing weight or stopping smoking. Writer Aldous Huxley was a hypnosis enthusiast who used hypnosis to seek and know “the divine within,” as he put it. HappiSeek guides you to access your divine within. And bonus, once you do connect to that part of you, bad habits like overeating and smoking naturally fall away as a result.”

Why hypnotherapy? Hypnotherapy helps you change your life and routine through the subconscious mind. Think of it as re-wiring your factory settings. With HappiSeek, you are very much in your body, and working on healing as well as relaxing your mind. Just about what we all need for post-pandemic socializing. 

Post-pandemic Socializing HappiSeek

I tried the app, and plan to continue using it. As a newbie to hypnotherapy I felt safe using HappiSeek and found it easy to use. With Cynthia Morgan’s voice as a guide, accessing my deeper and wiser self seemed natural. If I had to assess the results at the end of a few sessions, I would say that app has taught me to take how to relax on a deeper level, locking up my baggage in way that did not seem forced or fake, and releasing that baggage with a fresh mind and new-found wisdom. When it comes re-emerging into the world of socializing again, I believe working on yourself now will help us becoming a lot more well-rounded and pleasant to be around. 

Get to know and download the HappiSeek  app to start your own self-realization journey and come out of the pandemic ready to take on the world. happiseek.com