Milk, cream, and buttermilk unite to transcend into a super creamy, fresh ricotta dip. The trick to this recipe’s success relies on temperature monitoring. Let’s make cheese.

From Iran to LA to NYC, Chef Jan Feshan’s culinary journey has put him next to some of the world’s finest. At Maloney & Porcelli he tutored under David Burke. At his latest gig at ABC Kitchen, Dan Kluger was a huge influence.

You can appreciate the freshness of ingredients and Feshan’s confident approach at County. The menu focuses on classic dishes orchestrated with a masterful touch. Extraordinary ingredients dominate, like the honey that is drizzled on the ricotta as well as 95 varieties of pepper that add a touch of heat to many of his dishes.

For the CHILL party—a party menu that features all the food in white—Jan shares his recipe for House Made Ricotta—one of the dishes on constant order at County. Whip some up, or just head over to the Flatiron Area.

[Sadly, the restaurant County has closed, but you can still enjoy the recipe!]

featured recipe


Behold the steps to creating the creamiest ricotta ever. The secret to this recipe is monitoring the temperature from beginning to end. Serve with grilled thick-cut country bread, and top with your favorite honey and ribbons of fresh mint.

Yield: 1 Quart

Milk 2 quarts
Cream 1 quart
Salt 1/4 cup
Lemon Juice 1 cup
Buttermilk 1/4 cup
Mint, Chili, Honey, Olive Oil (Garnish)
Grilled Country Bread (for dipping)

Place the milk and cream in a large pot (a stainless steel pot is preferred). Over medium-low heat, bring the mix to 160ºF. Add the salt and lemon juice, and stir only once. Turn the heat to low and let the mixture break. Make sure not to bring it to boil. Turn the heat off and add the buttermilk.

Let it sit covered at room temperature for 20 min. Use a colander lined with cheesecloth to drain the mix. The cheese should be kept at 41ºF or below at all times.

Garnish with mint, chili, drizzled honey and olive oil. Serve with grilled country bread.

See more recipes and ideas for creating an eye-catching, totally white buffet in 02 An All White Party