When it comes to parties of any size, a little safety can go a long way. Here’s a line of cool fire extinguishers that you would actually want to display, each with a sense of whimsy and flair.

Fire Design’s several hundred designs will definitely amuse, but they take safety seriously, with each product compliant for use in the US, CE approved and accompanied by a 10-year warranty. Fire Design uses a dry powder extinguishing agent to put out any fires involving paper, cardboard, cloth, electricity, flammable liquids and plastics, and gas—so they’ve got you covered. The bonus: once used, the manufacturer will refill the extinguisher free of charge!

hobnobmag cool fire extinguishers

Their designs range from gritty flags, to race car memorabilia, heavy metal influences, and some artsy, sporty stuff. Wildly imaginative! $149. extincteurdesign.com

I chose to include this handy item as part of my strategy for hosting a gang to watch the big game. If you are looking for upscale party ideas, head to this link.